Fields of Study Curriculum Summary
Courses used to satisfy the First Year Seminars, the Communication Skills, and the Wellness requirements of the General Education Requirements may not be used to meet the fields-of-study requirements for the degree. The First Year Seminars must be taken in the first year of matriculation. The Communication Skills and the URAware Wellness requirements are normally met in the first year of University study, and should not be postponed beyond the second year.
First-Year Seminars
A student may satisfy this requirement by passing two FYS 100 seminars.
Communication Skills II - Second Language
A student may satisfy this requirement in a modern second language, in a classical language, or in American Sign Language by meeting one of the following alternatives:
- Passing the intermediate (212 or 202) level of one language, presenting a score of 5 or 4 on a Modern Second Language or Latin Advanced Placement test, or presenting a score of 5, 6, or 7 on an IB High Level exam in a Modern Second Language;
- Presenting a score on the SAT-II Subject Test acceptable to the language faculty concerned, or a score of 3 on a Modern Second Language Advanced Placement test;
- Making an acceptable score on a departmental placement test;
- For non native English speakers, obtaining an acceptable score on the TOEFL.
Only alternative (1) carries unit credit toward a degree.
Fields of Study
A student may satisfy the fields-of-study requirements by passing one approved course in each of the areas of historical studies, literary studies, natural sciences, social analysis, symbolic reasoning, and visual and performing arts. Such courses must have been approved by the General Education Committee and the faculties of the Schools of Arts and Sciences, Business, and Leadership Studies as meeting these requirements.
Courses meeting general education requirements are designated in the catalog following the course description, as well as in the Schedule of Classes. All courses used to meet general education requirements must be passed with a grade of D- (.7) or higher. No general education courses may be taken pass/fail.
Unit Value Summary
First-Year Seminar Course
- Two FYS 100 seminars = 2 units*
Communication Skills
- Second language (COM 2) = up to 4 units**
- Oral communication = non credit***
Fields of Study
- Historical studies (FSHT) = 1 unit
- Literary studies (FSLT) = 1 unit
- Natural science (FSNB/FSNC/FSNP) = 1 unit
- Social analysis (FSSA) = 1 unit
- Symbolic reasoning (FSSR) = 1 unit
- Visual and performing arts (FSVP) = 1 unit
Total: up to 12 units
* Students transferring from another college or university with 6.82 units or more of credit are exempt from the First Year Seminar requirement.
** May be satisfied by a demonstration of proficiency upon entrance to the University without carrying credit (language courses carry variable credit).
***Described in University of Richmond undergraduate catalog.